“Made in India” customized equipment for digital nomad


We discover in India that it’s a ContinentCountry, gigantic, multiple.

Shortly after we arrived, around Bangalore, at a typical local restaurant – Domino’s Pizza – we had a conversation with a friendly man about languages in India.

He explained to us that there are more than 140 official languages, and that Hindi is spoken by less than 50% of the population.

I personally came to the conclusion that I had a better chance of making myself understood in English; I stopped learning Hindi with the apps on my mobile.

And honestly after more than 5 months in South India, I don’t remember any real communication issue.

Let’s get down to the facts. I tell here how I had a computer equipment built in a freestyle mode simply by asking some workers in a workshop found by chance in the streets. In a way, this is a good illustration of the introduction.

The digital nomad must be well equipped

Starting our new life as digital nomads, I realize that I miss the dual screen I had at work.

I am looking for what might be an alternative that works in the travel conditions.

Spoiler alert: here is the result

Design (copy?)

I read quite many articles on that topic and after serious research I found the solution:

  1. An additional Android tablet (then I regret we sold the one we had in France, especially because I wanted to take it …)
  2. An app that transforms the Android tablet into an external screen either with Wi-Fi or USB cable
  3. A small device that allows you to attach the tablet to the side of the laptop screen

The app is easy to get from the Play Store and quite inexpensive, thus I look for a tablet.

I first thought about getting a second hand device and went to the IT / tech district of Chennai. I remember the prices were higher than I expected.

Therefore I bought a new Indian branded iBall tablet online with an 8 inch screen.

At last, regarding the third item, it seemed to me that it was going to be complicated and costly to be delivered to Chennai.

And so I decided to build it one way or another.

Production (project manager)

Shortly after, walking around the hotel, I passed by what appeared to be a welding workshop, manufacture of metal objects (furniture ..).

I introduced myself to the workers there and in no time I was able to explain to them what my project was. I had screen captures of what I had seen online, some sketches with measurements.

They saw no problem in making a similar item made of metal.

We agreed on the price, around ₹ 800 if I remember correctly and the work started.

I think it took them a little over an hour to do the job: cutting, bending, drilling and polishing.

I was as happy as a kid.

Do I need to explain that the experience I just had as a guest observer in the workshop was clearly more valuable than the item itself.


Metal it’s too heavy, I ended up parting with it. The item is stored in a safe place.

The idea is good … but better with other materials; if you buy it online, it will probably be made of plastic.

Since then, I often use this second screen trick, but I just put it somewhere on the desktop.


At the time of writing, this leaves me all pensive.

How do you know how much you love the places you’ve been to?

I tell myself that if you’re like me, and just remembering some moments makes you 200% want to go back there instantly, well you’ve got the answer.